
Servizi per le imprese

Un approccio aperto e testo alle nuove tecnologie, questo è il modo nel quale affrontiamo le neccessità di ogni nuovo cliente. L’analisi attenta dei dati di progetto e una visione svincolata dalla classica logica CLIENTE-FORNITORE, ci permette di divenire veri e propri partner per tutta la nostra utenza.
Dal momento del primo contatto fino alla consegna dei lavori, ma anche oltre (con le manutenzioni pogrammate) affianchiamo i nostri clienti sicuri di rappresentare un PLUS in grado di spingere la produttività e di contenere costi e rischi entro un range quanto più basso possibile.



With ten years experience in the electrical plants sector, PRO.Energy can offer engineering services for civil and industrial plants, guaranteeing complete and continuous support from the feasibility analysis and the
techno-economic investment choice phase, right up to the testing and commissioning phase.

• – Techno-economic feasibility studies and estimates;
• – Basic, executive and detailed electrical projects;
• – As built projects;
• – Techno-economic projects and analysis for energy efficiency measures;
• – Implementation of electrical checks and tests;
• – LV/MV insulation checks;
• – Calibration and function checks of protection systems;
• – Study of LV/MV networks;
• – Power Quality & Power Management network analysis;
• – Maintenance programmes;
• – Projects for the revamping of industrial plants;
• – Executive projects with specs for the purchase of materials, sizing and measurements, detailed layout, plans (drawings), 3D models, metric calculations, contract specifications;
• – Supervision of plant set up, assistance with plant launch, commissioning;
• – Testing


PRO.Energy provides an energy efficient analysis to map out the various types and uses of energy to suit your needs, whether domestic, business, public institutions or industrial complexes.
We analyse energy saving possibilities using the most efficient technology available, reducing waste.
These energy saving solutions guarantee significant saving compared to maintaining in use an obsolete and inefficient plant.
The initial investment will show an immediate energy saving, utilising a modern, safe, reliable and efficient plant.

The best management and operational practices reduce waste, improve output and reliability of the plant, making a global energy saving for the company: recognising and respecting the energy costs when buying, utilising and managing an plant is essential.
‘It is possible to consume less and to consume better. Together with our experts you will discover the best ways to use and save energy’.


PRO.Energy provides a highly efficient service of assistance and plant maintenance to cover every specific requirement.
PRO.Energy develops monitoring and remote control systems, capable of automatic management control of your plant, offering real-time detailed information on the systems status and its performance, from the companyís control room.
Provided by:
– Automatic production of alarms (email alert service, text alerts);
– 24 hour (24/7) plant monitoring by specialised technicians;
– Immediate response of qualified staff, needed to guarantee the plantís high performance.

We develop customised remote control systems, designed to the systemís specific needs and based on the most used communication protocol, SCADA, PLC, etc.
A monitoring systemís reliability is a fundamental requirement for the management of any production system, especially if linked to an electricity plant.
We have developed a monitoring system which monitors the systemís status 24 hour a day, automatically generating alerts and visual indicators by email or text.
The systemís strength lies in its high versatility, as it extends and monitors every type of device whose transmission protocol is known.
Therefore, this system allows a significant improvement in an plantís performance, a drastic reduction of non-operational periods, while optimising the running costs.

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